A Sweet Success: Cuppa and Cake Day Delights Bangor Office in Aid of Guide Dogs

News at Dafydd Hardy | 24/04/2024

We want to say a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to our recent Cuppa & Cake Day in aid of guide dogs. Whether you donated or simply spread the word, your collective efforts helped raise a fantastic £78.86! Another special thank you to some of our amazing team who took the time to bake some delicious goods for everyone to enjoy.

The event was not just about satisfying cravings but about making a difference. Guide Dogs is a charity dedicated to providing mobility and freedom to visually impaired individuals. Each cup of tea and every slice of cake served acted as a small contribution towards supporting the training and care of guide dogs, enabling them to transform lives through their invaluable service.

If you want to learn more about the guide dog charity, click here.